Everything Midlife Women Would Like to Know about Sleep (if they werent too tired to ask)
A good nights sleep may be elusive once women reach their 40s and beyond. Fluctuating hormone levels, a mind that doesnt turn off when you turn in, and getting up to use the bathroom all contribute to sleepless nights and yawn-filled days. If youre tired of counting sheep when you should be snoozing, the following answers to sleep questions can help:
What can I do about night sweats?
In perimenopause and menopause, declining estrogen levels can cause hot flashes while you sleep, called night sweats. These can be relieved with hormone replacement therapy (HRT), but because studies have linked long-term use of synthetic HRT to increased risk of serious illnesses, including breast cancer and heart disease, the latest recommendation is to use the lowest effective dose for the shortest possible time. (For complete study results go to http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/whi/). Bioidentical hormonesnatural HRT–also keep night sweats at bay, but their long-term safety has not been well researched.
Some women swear by alternative remedies, including soy products (soy milk,...