Got credit card debt? Youre not the only one! Everyone has that problem from time. Having a little debt is not the end of the world. One of the warning signs is simply not being able to completely pay off your credit card. Another warning sign is struggling to pay most of it off every few months. The clearest warning sign is not being able to meet the minimum monthly payment required by the credit card!
You may be paying way too much every month in interest rates and fees simply because youre not able to pay it off in time. But you can fix that problem very easily. How? Its easy and its a smart financial decision for most people. In fact, if you have a credit card with a balance, its probably a smart financial decision for you!
Why? Because credit card interest rates are among the highest rates of interest. Credit cards are essentially short-term loans and the credit card companies have been able to keep raising interest rates higher and higher and no one has done anything about it.
Did you know that many people who fail to pay off their credit card can really get stung by how expensive the interest rate is? Its true! In fact, a person who pays only the...