What makes an executive resume executive? Is it the format? Is it the content? Or is it the personal marketing strategy? Executive resumes are different in all these areas. Executive resumes are targeted toward a hiring agent that is seeking more than the typical job seekers qualifications. The executive behind the resume must meet specific leadership and visionary qualifications that surpass the regular achievement-based resume. Executive resumes must demonstrate success in leadership in past positions, plus outline success strategies that can or will be carried to the next employer. The document that is the executive resume brings all these finer points together into a highly crafted document.
The executive resumes we produce here at GetInterviews.com not only present a top-tier appearance at first glance, but also incorporate the personal branding and sales strategy that is necessary to achieve the executive interview. Our executive resumes communicate the leadership qualities of our clients and demonstrate the vision our clients have for the future both their own and for their target employers.
Executive resumes must present a big picture overview of the...