Expecting similarities between the German and English language is a normal idea. It is actually typical for anyone speaking English to hear distinct and familiar words which they could make out from a German conversation by just listening to it. Doesnt matter if it is understood or not, what is important is that the German language has already made its impression to a foreigner yet again.
Yes, its true. Similar words from the German language can be found in the English language as well. But there are words that need double-checking too. One word from the English language can mean another in German. Though it isnt suggested to learn just the words when one is learning to speak the German language (which means one has to start from the very beginning), because it would not be of any use anyway; the learning experience and means can be done in various methods.
Media is one of the best things about living in this generation because everything can be heard and watched easily through communication tools such as TV, the Internet and mobile phones. You can even learn German just by subscribing to podcasts and since you can bring an ipod anywhere (if you have one); it even...