There are more than 300 types of aloe, but only a few have been used throughout history for natural healing and cleansing. One effective aloe product that promotes good health in several ways is African aloe ferox. Aloe ferox is a plant that grows in only one province of South Africa and has been used for medicinal purposes by the indigenous people for many years.
African aloe ferox differs from aloe vera because it doesn’t have to be filtered. Without the filtering process, aloe ferox retains its all-natural active ingredients so users can benefit even more by using this type of aloe. Other names for aloe ferox are red aloe, bitter aloe, or tap aloe. African aloe ferox bitter is known for its many medicinal uses. The resinous product that is hard and black, which is called Cape aloes or aloe lump, is known for being a strong laxative and as a natural help for arthritis. Inside the leaves is a gel-like flesh that is said to help heal wounds, but is also used in cosmetic products.
Benefits of African Aloe Ferox
African aloe ferox offers many health and beauty benefits. It is completely herbal so it doesn’t contain harmful chemicals and toxins as...