Whether or not you have ever personally experienced the excitement and fulfillment associated with community service, it is never too late to take it up a notch. Contemporary community service organizations offer to interested individuals the opportunity to service a community through their actions. Ranging from a simple project like a daycare service for young women professionals and their infants, to a more complex one like building the local school facilities of a village in Eastern Africa, community services are part of a global effort to assist another group of people by offering experts advice and the required set of skills.
But community service, apart from it being an alternative sentencing technique used in criminal justice, it can become a wonderful outdoor experience for those who decide to get involved. Today, some examples of community service projects include a school team cleaning the nearest park, a group of volunteers collecting much needed items such as clothes, shoes, bottle tabs and cans, canned food and packaged water for families in distress, volunteering to help the local fire or police department, taking older people out for a walk, arranging and...