Some teenagers would like to be able to get a job and earn money. Since these individuals are still in school, the next best thing to getting a real job is getting one that is part time.
When applying for a part time job, here are some tips one must remember when going up to a potential employer;
One must prepare a resume when applying for part time work. Even if the person does not have experience, it will show the employer that a little effort was made on the part of the applicant in producing something on paper. The resume may contain highlights or strengths about the applicant which could make the applicant stand out over other people that have applied for the same position and in the end get that job.
When meeting an employer, being dressed appropriately is important. It shows the sincerity one has in applying for the job. One must be that finger-nails and hair are well groomed for the interview. The outfit worn could be business casual. A polo and khaki pants will be ideal for men and a polo and skirt for the women will do well for the interview. This would mean that moderate shoes must be used to match the outfit. If one wears a lot of earrings, it...