Working at home has a nice ring to it and many see being able to set their own hours as a dream come true. For those who have little or no self-discipline, that dream can quickly turn into a nightmare. There may be times when a deadline is approaching as well as your favorite sports team on television. Without the discipline to set your priorities to your work, your home business will fail.
When you make the commitment to work from home, you are telling your clients or customers that you are ready to do whatever it takes to get the job done within the promised time. When you continually fail to do that, you are telling them that you do not care about their needs and your time is more important to you than their project.
When you work from home, if there is no one around a majority of the day then there should be no distractions to keep you from getting your work done. When you first begin working at home, the first few days may be wasted as you get up in the mornings and think about not having to go anywhere. How nice it is that you can work whenever you feel like it. Soon, however, you may find yourself struggling to hit deadlines and having trouble finding new...