Most people dont want to spend a lot of money on having a credit card. They will shop around for the best possible deal they can get on a credit card. They will wish to get as low an interest rate as possible and definitely not pay a monthly or annual fee for the card. Getting the best price on a credit card makes a lot of sense for most people, in fact for the vast majority of people; however, there are circumstances in which you will wish to pay more for a credit card than you have to.
One thing that many people opt for is a fee-paying credit card. This fee will be payable either annually or monthly, and you will have to pay it no matter how much or how little you use the card. Paying the fee will entitle you to certain benefits. For example, you will be given a preferential interest rate that will be among the lowest credit card interest rates on the market. If you currently have a high outstanding credit card balance that you frequently pay interest on, then having access to a reduced interest rate will have the potential to save you your annual fee many times over. Another benefit of the feeing paying card is that it may give you access to a higher monthly spending...