Have you ever had a problem getting motivated to complete a task that you absolutely had to do? Did you ever just want to throw in the towel and accept that you failed? If so, understand that there are things you can do to be more motivated and to achieve your goals.
What motivates you?
There are two types of motivation that exist: extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation is motivation that is inspired by outside forces, while intrinsic motivation is motivation that is inspired from within a person. Both types of motivation are essential to success. Below you will find different types of extrinsic and intrinsic motivational factors:
Extrinsic Motivation.
-People around you
-Good grades
Intrinsic Motivation.
-Personal goals, values, and morals
-Willingness and eagerness to learn
-Physiological, social, and self-esteem needs
Both extrinsic and intrinsic motivations push a person to achieve a goal. However,
they do so in different ways. Let us take a look at both of these types of motivations.
Extrinsic motivation:
As shown...