Perhaps one of the greatest problems with ezines development is that business owners start publishing before they really understand what they are doing.
What I mean by that is that while many businesses recognize the potential marketing value of an ezine they dont always have a clear idea of how to do the task of product development for their ezine. To be honest this is an asset for entrepreneurs, but the tendency might need to be curbed a bit when it comes to developing an ezine.
If you publish an ezine before your have at least a moderate handle on what you need to do the resulting publication can come across as amateurish and may contain too many glaring errors to be taken seriously. Even if you improve from the initial editions it may be hard to retain some of those initial readers who may not take you seriously.
It is possible to utilize a voluntary editor. This would be a person who has some understanding of ezines, if not in execution at least in consistent consumption of other ezines. They have an understanding of what makes for a solid ezine and what may need to be set aside.
This volunteer editor can work with you to help locate material...