What is the feel of your ezine? Who will be reading the material? What do they expect?
Every business tends to cater to a specific demographic. Television stations pick a targeted age and cater their programming to the tastes and preferences of that demographic. It is possible other viewers may enjoy the programming, but its not always geared to a wide audience, which is probably why we think television has little to offer as we get older.
When you develop your marketing ezine you need to determine the type of individual you are attempting to reach. You should consider whether the primary readership will be men or women. You need to determine the primary age range of the reader and by learning the purchasing habits of these readers you will likely gain some understanding of the type of information they may be looking for.
For Instance
Primary Reader: Women
Primary Age: 25-34
Purchasing Habits: Casual clothing stores, regularly attends the movie theater, enjoys fast food, but doesnt mind a high-end restaurant from time to time. Enjoys scented lotion and candles.
Once you can begin to understand who will be reading your ezine the...