Most credit card companies have designed one or more credit card packages that enable small businesses to keep their personal and business accounts apart. These cards, known as business credit cards, are appealing to many small business owners. However, regardless of what these business credit cards may offer, there could be some pitfalls that you need to be on the lookout for. Carefully shopping for the right business credit card is a must, if you want to avoid being exposed to the negative aspects.
Due to mounting competition in the small business credit card market, there is an interminable barrage of high-powered advertisements, extolling the virtues of the various business credit card issuers rewards programs, cash back features, airline miles programs and other benefits, to the point where they are all starting to sound very much the same. The implication for you is that you will need to do your own research in deciding on what is actually and practically the business credit card best suited to your small firm.
As always, the very best starting point is knowing how you will be using the business credit card. Do you plan to pay off all the business credit...