Credit cards are fixtures in society today. What started out as a means of convenient payment when ready cash was unavailable has now evolved into a staple means of paying for almost anything in modern times. Whether it’s the monthly house bills or the groceries, or a new sound system or car, credit cards have become widely accepted as a primary mode of payment in almost every possible financial transaction.
For those who run their own businesses, credit cards even provide the means to pay for the day to day overhead costs involved in running the said business. However, for the most part, while business owners will have their own personal credit cards, it’s generally a good idea to have a seperate card for the company itself. This is akin to a business owner having his own bank account, then setting up a seperate company account from which operating expenses are drawn. Business Credit Cards are a type of credit card designed for this very purpose.
When selecting a business credit card, look for some of the following features to help you choose one that will best serve your company and help it flourish.
Interest Rates and Credit Limit –...