Everybody loves blue. With its calming and rejuvenating shade, this color has often been associated with the sky and water. Blue has also been the color that symbolizes royalty and tranquility. These are one of the few hundred reasons why it is not hard to love turquoise. To own jewelry made of turquoise is like looking at the open sea.
Turquoise can be mined all over the world. They have it in India, China, and US. One of the finest and most respected kinds of turquoise is the Persian turquoise.
Why the Color Change?
Perhaps its because of the influence of the mineral present. The higher the mineral content in the gem, the more it will be enhanced. Naturally, blue will shine within the stone if copper becomes present. But if, as it is formed, aluminum is more dominant, a green shade will appear.
All About Gemstone Formation
Turquoise is formed when percolation of water occurs inside rocks containing aluminum, copper, and other minerals found within the depths of the earth. As chemical reaction occurs, turquoise is produced. This simplified explanation for the entire process happens for millions of years and happens in suitable conditions...