Tractors are found on farms because these pieces of equipment give the ability to get the work done efficiently and quickly. Gone are the days of animals dragging pieces of equipment through the fields in order to help the farmers grow their crops. Farm tractors come in all sizes and shapes. They have changed significantly over the years to offer more efficiency. They are also designed for comfort as a farmer may spend ten or twelve hours per day in one.
Many types of farm tractors are versatile so that didnt tasks can be accomplished with them. They generally dont move very fast but they are extremely powerful. They feature very large back wheels to give it traction to get through the loose soil of the fields. Even in muddy locations a farm tractor should be able to continue moving along with very little effort.
The first types of farm tractors were steam operated. It wasnt until 1960 that John Deere came out with a diesel powered model. This laid the foundation for other companies to follow suit. Those older models of farm tractors are considered to be collectors items today. There is a great deal of history involved in many of them.
Farm tractors are...