At the start of the payday loan industry people often looked to their local cash advance store to get cash they needed for an emergency. With the emergence of the Internet, the face of the industry has radically changed. Cash advance stores are still doing a tremendous amount of business and are still prospering very well, however more and more people are looking to the Internet to obtain a payday loan.
Many may ask, why would someone want to get a loan online as opposed to going and getting one locally? The answer to this question is the faxless payday loan. Being able to obtain a loan without having to fax in any documents saves time and saves hassles for borrowers. Up until approximately eighteen months ago, this was not the case. Anyone who applied for a payday loan online need to fax in a bank statement, a copy of their drivers license, a paycheck stub, and whatever else that particular lender need.
The time it took to get all this paperwork ended up hurting people because they were not getting their money on time. Payday loans are designed to help people when they have an emergency. The term emergency is defined as an unforeseen crisis that requires...