What are you afraid of? Im sure that like almost everybody else you are afraid of something.
Charles F. Haanel defines fear as a powerful form of thought. I think it is a very good definition, because mostly fear is in our minds. Phobia is abnormal fear. We are often afraid of things which we have no reason to be afraid of. This is because most of the fears and phobias are only the creations of our minds.
For example some people are afraid of flying. Why? Probably because they have heard about some plane crashes and that all of the people died in those accidents. Of course plane accidents do happen, and usually all of the people who are in such accidents die. But the same people who are afraid of flying are usually not afraid of traveling in cars and on buses. Cars accidents cause many more deaths than airplane accidents. The probability of dieing in the car accident is much higher than in plane accident. Flying is the safest way of traveling. So, why people are afraid of flying? Like with most phobias the reason is that they do not control their minds.
When we listen about different tragedies and unhappy news, a subconscious mind accepts everything which...