Computer role playing known as Role playing game or (RPG), has become one of the most popular forms of computer games on the market today. RPGs not only use point and click methods, but include traits such as character selection, multi-players, first or third person shooters and strategy. This means that the player gets emotionally and physically involved in the game.
The characters range from regular human beings to mythical creatures such as monsters. Each character has different traits and levels of skill, for example they could be archers with their tools or magicians with their potions or even something as simple as a human being and his fists. These characters are on a quest. On that quest, they will face a lot of strange creatures such as berserk monsters or sinister enemies that could be in a horror movie. As you become successful in completing a level, the difficulties increase. All the traits you possess as the character must be monitored to see if you have the ability to protect your self and fight off your enemies.
To keep track of the area, there is a map always present. It is laid out on a rectangular grid and north is facing the top of your screen....