Have you been feeling a little blue lately? Statistics claim that an estimated half a million people suffer each winter from a condition called Seasonal Affective Disorder. Sometimes this can bring on severe depression along with weight gain. For many of us it is only a re-adjusting time that makes us feel a little blue.
What causes these blue feelings? Due to the lessening of sunlight hours received our brain chemicals can become imbalanced causing us to feel more tired, moody and more apt to eat more. It is often referred to as The Winter Blues.
Personally, it tends to hit me when we turn the clocks back in October and continues until the spring comes.
Even animals are affected by this seasonal change. The Hibernation instinct is very strong.
What can we do to help lift our spirits? THINK ORANGE!!!!
Yes, Aromatherapy can help you out with its sweet citrus Essential Oils. All of the citrus oils will help but I find Orange a great pick me upfollowing close behind is Grapefruit
How can we incorporate this into our daily lives? We can easily diffuse orange essential oil in a diffuser on our desk or work area. We can also add...