If you are an adult woman who suffers from acne outbreaks, you have probably often felt frustrated or embarrassed by this condition. Rest assured; you are not alone. Millions of women worldwide who have long since past their teenage years now continue to go through the trials of adult acne today. If you are a woman who feels that all is lost, know that regardless of your situation, there is an acne treatment available for you.
Women go through hormonal changes many times in their lives. If you are suffering from a recent acne outbreak, it may be because of hormone changes going on in your body. When the body has a high androgen level, the hormone known as testosterone, it can cause acne outbreaks in the female body.
For mild cases, a number of over-the-counter products are available such as Clearasil or Oxy 10. These products often use benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or a combination of both. These act as an antibacterial cleansing agent and can be effective for less severe cases of adult female acne.
For severe or prolonged hormone imbalances, you may consider talking to a physician about hormone treatments. If hormonal imbalance is the cause of your...