You may not believe it, but the most powerful change you can make to your life is by getting rid of all the clutter.
If you are anything like me, when you look around at all the clutter in your home, you feel drained and cant find the energy to clear it away. It keeps piling up and every time you look at it you feel more and more drained and at a loss as to where to start.
The thing is that energy is all around us, everything is energy, even your possessions, although seemingly inanimate objects, have energy. Our possessions are believed to hold our memories and connections. This means if you have things that you no longer use, want or need, they are tying up your energy, creating inactivity in the energy of your surroundings.
Most of us have no idea how much their clutter affects them. It is only when you start clearing it out your clutter, you will realize how much better you feel without it.
Most people who have clutter say they have no energy to begin to clear it. They constantly feel tired. But the stagnant energy that stacks up around clutter actually causes listlessness. Clearing it frees up the energy in your home and releases new abundant...