Fulfillment in marriage is achieved the day when you become a complete family. When two committed individuals produce a child together as a testament to their undying love and devotion, they usually take pride in finally having their own identity as a family.
However, not all couples experience the bliss of having their own child. Currently, about 20% of couples in the United States are struggling with infertility. Infertility is the failure of a couple to conceive a pregnancy after trying for at least a year or so. Another well-known fact is that fertility in women decreases with age. If a woman keeps having a miscarriage, that too can be considered a negative effect of infertility.
Diagnosis for a man comes from undergoing a sperm test while the woman needs to have her ovaries checked by an obstetrician especially if she is already in her 30s. Another factor for the cause of infertility is having multiple sexual partners. Research shows that early sexual activity in women predispose them to various sexual health problems. Sexually Transmitted Disease or STD also cause or exacerbate cases of infertility, as shown in the case of women with pelvic inflammatory...