Fighting in the NHL – anaylsis by the Quality NHL Forums
Fighting and hockey goons have been present in hockey since the very beginning of the NHL, and since the very beginning there has been people complaining about the hockey and making comments such as I went to a fight and a hockey game broke out, do they have reason to act against fighting in hockey? Some may say yes, some may disagree. There are reasons to the madness of fighting in hockey though.
The small stars on hockey teams are usually players who are not a very good match up against most of the big defenseman. That is the reason there are other players, bigger players that are there for the main reason of protecting the star players on the team. Without them, the smaller players would stand no chance. Yes, it is also fun for the fans to watch and yes it probably does help teams out financially, but there is always a reason!
Hockey has been on a decline though since the mid 80s when it was at its peak. There used to be an average of 1+ fights per game, when now it is down to around 0.61. This is due to more skilled players coming into the NHL and making the game more based on finesse and...