Figurine refers to the human made statuettes and the dictionaries describe the word as a diminutive form of the word figure. Earliest figurines are said to be made in the Indus Valley Civilization and they were all in stones. Although it is not exactly known as to why man made figurines, it is sure that in one way it was the graduation from the cave paintings and sketches perhaps out of artistic interests or because of awe and wonder for the supernatural powers that he could perceive. Figurines in the modern day are more a form of art than anything else.
Figurines were used for a variety of purposes. While some were used to serve as deities in religious and ceremonial occasions, some of the figurines depict special purposes. This means that a woman gifted with figurine of pregnant Venus implied wishing successful fertility. Since figurines are mainly female figures, so they make great gifts in wedding and other rituals. The figurines are also meant to amuse children who spend their time playing with them. Some of the figurines also serve as jewelry for women.
Different Faces of Modern Figurines
In the present day art form, copper, glass, plastic, wood and...