Before we start talking about free credit cards, it is necessary to define somewhat what is meant be free in this context. While there are some credit cards out there that will charge you a monthly or annual subscription fee to become one of their customers and receive their credit card, these deals are becoming far less common than they used to be and therefore it is by far the norm now not to have to pay a subscription fee for a credit card. Therefore, a credit card being free in this sense will be assumed.
What I mean by free in the context of this article is interest free, or an APR of 0%. There are a growing number of credit card providers on the UK market that will offer introductory deals for a certain number of months during which you will receive a 0% APR on either a balance transfer, or on your purchases, or sometimes if you are lucky, on both.
These types of cards, while sounding very attractive, are actually not that difficult to find. All you have to do is be willing to search for them. Because of the high degree of competition that exists at the moment among credit card providers in the UK, you will find that excellent 0% deals are in fact quite...