Find More Than Just A Degree Of Success At California Community Colleges
It’s a great pleasure and honor studying, working as well as teaching at some of the prestigious California community colleges. I moved in 1977 across from back east of the country with two suitcases and 300 dollars, to take advantage of the educational system in California in general and of California community collegesfor startersin particular. Besides being unbelievably affordable at that time it was also extremely reputable as fine preparatory, or transitional, institutions of higher education.During my first semester at College of Marin, for instance, besides buying my texts, I paid only $3.00 for the whole semester. That was for the Health Fee.
California community colleges are not quite so low-pricedthough they are still affordablein recent times, but they are still brilliant first- and second-year colleges and trade/occupational training sites. Those graduating either from the neighboring high schools or returning to college after years away attend courses and programs in almost all of the major disciplines and/or take up vocational courses for example those in the Automotive...