Find Out Why You Feel The Withdrawal Symptoms When You Are Trying To Quit Smoking
No problem, I could quit anytime I want to. That is the case for many smokers who believe they can quit anytime they want to as though they believe they had a magic switch to turn the nicotine off.
But when you ask them why they are not quitting, it would as if of a sudden, theyre mind starts to get creative and could punch out 101 excuses. Sounds familiar right? The reality is…
Smokers Are Addicted And Need Preparation Before Quitting!
This is because nicotine and chemicals when introduced into our body greatly affect our biological system. Smokers need preparation for quitting are because of the withdrawal symptoms.
Nicotine is a stimulant drug of which its effects where both simulation and relaxation may be felt. You see when we smoke, our body gets used to a certain alteration of conditions in our body. The brain gets used to these certain alternation very quickly even before we can notice it.
Now, theres a new balance in the brain due to those alterations. When the timely dose of nicotine or whatever chemicals as a result of smoking is not...