If you want to improve your search engine rankings, then you need to put attention on keywords. Keywords are what lead search engine users to your site. Choosing the right keywords is really important. But how can you find the best keywords for your website? Well, there are few free tools you can use.
Take a piece of paper and write down all keywords that can relate to your business. Analyze carefully your business and think of any keywords that relate to your company or product. Ask your friends what keywords would they search for if they were looking for products like yours.
Try to avoid common words, you need to focus on specific keywords. Than more specific your keywords are than more chances you have that your potential customers will find you.
When you have your list of possible keywords, you can try to find out which of them are most popular and try to focus your search engine optimization on these keywords. There are some good tools you can use here.
Remember that people often misspell words, so you can include also some misspelled words.
The first one is the Google AdWords keyword sandbox at...