The decision to buy a house is a great one, and nothing can make the outcome of that decision greater than being well informed of what to expect from the process of choosing and getting a mortgage. If credit history is an issue, prepare yourself and learn beforehand what you can do to optimize and improve it. A less than stellar credit history will not automatically exclude you from a mortgage approval. Armed with this knowledge, buying the right house will not only be possible, but it will be a pleasant experience. The first step in the process is to understand the process of mortgages. Next, decide what you need from a mortgage company, and pick one that will work well for you: not only in buying the home, but also in the long-term the time during which you will be paying off the mortgage. Lastly, begin planning now, and work to improve your credit history to minimize it getting in the way of an approval. Being informed will make the process of applying and being approved for a mortgage a much smoother and more pleasant process.
The process of a mortgage and its approval is generally uniform, with some minor differences from company to company. The initial step...