Having a bad credit history is not ideal, especially if you’re applying for a loan. If you’re shopping for a mortgage, though, your chances of getting your loan approved are much better, and many mortgage brokers products designed for consumers with bad credit.
Why would loan providers disregard bad credit history when funding mortgages? Aren’t loan providers afraid that the customer won’t be able to pay off the loan? Even when clients have a good credit history it’s impossible to predict if they’ll make good on their loan, and borrowers with bad credit history have a record of falling behind on their payments.
Many astute mortgage loan providers agree to lend to people with bad credit, not out of charity but based on the FICO credit scores.
Borrowers with scores of 720 and above have loan providers chasing after them to take out mortgages, and borrowers who have credit scores ranging from 600 to 700 can also get good mortgage deals. Borrowers earning credit scores of 500 and below are considered to have bad credit. Most bad credit mortgages are used to purchase or build homes. If the buyer is a first-time homeowner, they...