The cigar shop of yesteryear has been increasingly replaced by a virtual version that offers the same wide variety of cigar brands, humidors and accessories, but knows no geographical boundaries and offers products at a fraction of the cost. Truly, online cigar stores have played a major role in the cigar boom of the last decade, revolutionizing the industry and making the purchasing of cigars cheap, hassle-free and anonymous.
Cigar stores both on and offline provide a large assortment of brands, from the inexpensive to the premium. Some of the most popular brands in the U.S. include the many varieties of Macanudos, as well as Montecristos and Nat Shermans. They come with a full range of prices that appeal to both the serious aficionado and the occasional, recreational smoker.
Of course, the most sought after type of cigar remains the Cuban variety, which makes them both more expensive and more difficult to find. Fortunately for cigar lovers, the onset of the Internet in addition to the relaxation of government sanctions regarding the importation of Cuban goods has made it much easier for U.S. citizens to enjoy the many Cuban flavors available for the...