The best sales leads often come from your customer. Having customers give you a list of prospective customers that they know for you is direct-marketing at its best. To make this request you have to carefully consider what you are asking the customer for. To get a loyal customer to help you is not that difficult.
Finding business is a quest for new accounts and more clients. The place that you can get a list of prospective clients organized by name, address, and phone number, is from people who know you. The cost is nothing more than subtle shifts in prospective. You never leave a place without knowing the needs of the clients. If the client is another business owner the best way to market this is to address their needs. By learning what their business needs is, you can understand where your product or service will help them.
By making selling a personal experience for you and the customer, it is easy to immediately look for more connections. By increasingly relying on your customer to be personally involved, you strengthen the business connection. The consumer who personalized his relationship with either a shop owner or business will be a more loyal customer....