Daily inspiration helps us to stay focused on God’s love, no matter what else is going on in our daily lives. In today’s world there is such a high level of challenge and rapid change happening for most of us, that it has become even more important to find a way to stay connected with our hearts, and with our inner connection with spirit.
There are many ways we can tap into our inner connection with God and spirit; however it is not always simple to do so. The demands of daily life can be compelling, and can cause us to forget our connection to spirit. A regular spiritual practice of meditation or prayer can be very helpful in focusing thought, energy and intention towards God. Even five or ten minutes a day can have a significant beneficial impact on the entire day.
Why Daily Inspiration is so Important Now
The process of spiritual transformation involves the release of everything within us that has been out of balance and out of harmony with God’s love. This process is happening individually and for humanity as a whole at this time. The problems manifesting in our world are an expression of this imbalance, and are being manifest now in...