Unfortunately your bad credit is probably keeping you from getting an unsecured credit card. These are cards that are for people with non-damaged credit, simply for the fact that the credit card companies feel as though they can be trusted. Dont beat yourself up over this however, because the past is the past and one day soon you will be able to qualify for such a card.
Before even thinking about applying for anymore credit cards, then perhaps its time to begin to eliminate credit card debt that you have already. The stress that this debt relief can do for you will not only help you with your credit rating, but with your physical well-being as well.
When you are all caught up on your debt management, then youll want to shop around for a credit card with the lowest interest rate that you can possibly find. This is good for a multitude of reasons, since it saves you money on your monthly interest charges, but it also becomes quite significant when youre in need of a loan for a couple of hundred dollars. Finding a loan with as low of an interest rate as you can get one for with a lower rate card would prove to be quite a feat.
As well, some of the rewards and...