If you have ever wanted to ditch your computers plain looking background, there are plenty of options available online for you to download wallpapers. Wallpapers are images of just about anything imaginable that can be used as the background on your computer screen. While wallpapers are a lot of fun and can add some personality to your desktop computer, they are often cheap looking and potentially dangerous. In this article, well give you simple tips for finding high quality wallpapers for your desktop computer.
You are probably wondering how simple wallpapers could possibly be dangerous. Well, the fact is that many sites offer free wallpapers, but do not have the proper tools to fight against computer viruses. When people download these wallpapers to their desktop computer, they can have their whole system compromised by these nasty worms. So, how can you find high quality wallpapers for your desktop computer that wont cause you trouble? Lets take a closer look.
The first thing you should do to safeguard both yourself and your computer is install pop-up blockers and spam blockers. In addition, you should also install a reputable virus scan program (such as...