Deciding what qualifies a card to be one of the best airline miles credit cards can be difficult. This is because everyone’s needs and lifestyles are different, giving them a different idea of what qualities to look for in airline credit cards. Therefore, it requires taking a close look at yourself, your spending habits, and your traveling habits to decide which card is best for you.
Interest Rate
One of the characteristics of airline miles credit cards you should consider is the interest rate. Airline credit cards tend to have higher interest rates than cards that do not have rewards programs. If you are the kind of person who carries a balance on your credit card from month to month, airline miles credit cards may not be the best choice for you. This is because you might end up spending more every year in finance charges than you receive in benefits. If you do carry a balance on your card but still want to get an airline credit card, be sure to find the one with the lowest interest rate. Many have special introductory periods with lower interest rates, as well. These cards may be the best choice for you.
Travel Habits
If you travel...