When you want to buy a new car, it is not always possible to pay cash. Of course, paying cash for any purchase is the easiest and most sensible method, because you do not have to borrow money and are simply buying what you can readily afford. However, if you cannot pay cash then there are a number of great methods to help you get the car of your dreams:
0% is possible
As car manufacturers are trying harder and harder to shift slow moving models, the finance deals that they are offering become better and better. Some manufacturers are even offering 0% finance deals for anything up to 5 years. This means you can pay for the car in monthly instalments without paying any interest. However, you should bear in mind that you need a good credit rating to get 0% finance, and that you can still negotiate the price of the vehicle to get a better deal.
Negotiate car and loan separately
It is advisable to negotiate the price of the vehicle and any financing separately. You should work out what type of financing you are going to use before looking at a car, as this will put you in a much stronger position. Negotiate the price before telling the dealer your method...