The nursing profession is a noble career involving direct patient care in all settings. Nurses assist doctors and other medical professionals in every place from hospitals to free clinics. Nurses can specialize in virtually any medical field.
There are several types of nursing programs available leading to different nursing degrees. The Associate Degrees Nurse (AND) program entails two years of study and deals with the basic, practical elements of nursing. The Bachelor of Science Nurse (BSN) program is a four-year program. After completion of the aforementioned programs, nurses may take a board exam to become a Registered Nurse (RN). The exam is known as NCLEX-RN.
In choosing a nursing school, it’s important to confirm that the programs offered by the school is accredited by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC). You must complete an accredited program to take the board exam. Taking a nursing course today is very ideal, as there is a shortage of nurses in the United States.
At present, more and more nursing schools are offering web-based programs, designed for adult learners who have the desire for a learning experience that...