Fireplace kits require regular maintenance to ensure high efficiency and safety. The hole at the top of the chimneys is covered by a chimney cap that prevents external matter from entering. This cap must be replaced in case it is damaged or missing.
For fireplace kits, an effective way to make sure that the outer mortar between the bricks is intact is by shining a flashlight down the chimney to look at the mortar inside. Crumbling mortar must be replaced. Metal chimneys should not consist of dented or rusted metal parts screws should not be missing.
It is a good idea to clean chimneys at frequent intervals as there may be deposits of creosote that can cause a dangerous chimney fire. Creosote is a hard and crust like produced during the incomplete combustion of wood. Soot too is a flammable deposit that needs to be removed if deposited on the chimney walls. If this deposit reaches a depth of about 1/8 inch, the chimney must be cleaned to remove these deposits.
It should always be kept in mind that fireplace kits should not be used as furnaces. Fireplaces should be used for short duration fire (approximately five hours). Fireplace coals can remain hot enough...