Think about how many times in the news that you have seen children saving a life. It is pretty astounding that these small children know enough to dial 911 or to run and get a neighbor. Sometimes kids are a bit smarter than adults often give them credit for. There is also a saying that children live what they learn so the concept of teaching children at an early age the importance of first aid training really only makes sense.
Depending on the age of your child, you know that if you make them a big part of something interesting they are going to love it, take pride in it and learn more. Start by explaining to your child the importance of knowing what to do in an emergency and all about the 911 thing if you have not already. Set aside a day where you and your child will put together a first aid kit.
It should include band aids, gauze, adhesive, ice packs, peroxide, and alcohol, syrup of ipecac, scissors, soap, tweezers, cotton, calamine lotion, disposable gloves, paper cups, and matches. As you get these items together, explain what each one could be used for and have your child give you an example. There are first aid training classes for children of just about...