Five Reasons Why SEO Is Better Than Paid Online Marketing
Online Marketing is becoming an essential marketing medium for a successful business. If a business can successfully marketing their product or service online they open many new doors to potential customers and sales leads. A well structured and organised SEO consultant will suggest two avenues for online marketing, Search Engine Optimisation and Paid Online Marketing (like Pay Per Click). Ideally you would be able to afford both paid and unpaid marketing campaigns but if you are like most businesses you are on a budget and need the proof that online marketing actually works.
The most common phrase I hear is “But everyone knows who we are and what we do” in relation to their business. This is just not true otherwise every potential customer would already be beating down your door wouldn’t they? There is always room for growth and if you sell a product or service then there is always online marketing potential.
So, lets explore why SEO is far superior to paid online marketing.
1. SEO is a long term strategy for your online marketing. Should you implement pay per click or...