Credit cards easily get out of control. You simply don’t realize how much you are charging and how little you are paying. Before you can even think about paying your card off entirely, you have to simply regain control of your credit card debt.
Here are five simple steps that will help you regain control, and eventually pay off your debt. Follow them step-by-step and you will find that they aren’t overwhelming or too difficult. In fact, they don’t take much time at all.
1. Pay more.
You shouldn’t carry a balance on your credit card from month to month, but you probably are anyway. If you are only paying the minimum payment, you are slowly killing yourself. This will stretch your payments out for decades. Yes, decades. You need to start putting extra money to each credit card payment. Even if it is only $15, you are saving time and money.
2. Make a phone call.
Take the time to call your credit card companies and request a lower interest rate. It isn’t hard to do. You simply request a better interest rate. If you are a good customer who makes his or her payments on time, you will probably be successful. Tell them...