Does marketing your start-up company petrify your checkbook? Tri-media advertising does wonders for corporate brand building but it’s not the only way to spread the good word. With non conventional promotion, you avoid costly tri media expenses and create an almost demonic cult-following for your new product or service. All you need is a bit of unconventional thinking.
Let’s get down to brass tacks.
Since 1999, I’ve been launching successful start-ups. Most were pure online initiatives, but two are click-and-mortar hybrids. Today, each business unit makes enough to pay the utility bills, indulge in fancy dinners, and fly off on exotic vacations. Just key my name in google and you’ll have an idea of my different passions.
Skyrocketing my pursuits to niche dominance doesn’t take a Ph.D degree. Allow me to bare my secrets:
1. ESTABLISH A PRODUCT-CENTRIC ONLINE COMMUNITY. eGroups, yahoogroups and google groups allow the establishment of virtual families where people of like minds converge. WIth just a group of twenty active participants, you create a massive product buzz that eventually snowballs into unstoppable viral...