Consolidating Student Loans Can Boost your Credit Score
Most students take out numerous loans for college, each with its own interest rate and its own monthly amount. The plethora of different loan sources is a great benefit in terms of paying for college, but when it comes to credit rating, this long list of outstanding loans can put a serious damper on your overall score.
By consolidating student loans, your credit report will show one combined loan, usually with a much lower overall payment, which equates to a more favorable credit rating. By consolidating student loans, you most likely also benefit from a much lower payment, thus lowering your debt to income ratio.
Consolidating Student Loans Reduces Debt to Income Ratio and Increases Buying Power
Having a low debt to income ratio, or the monthly amount owed compared to the amount earned, makes an incredible impact on the amount of money you’ll be able to borrow and afford for a first home or reliable transportation.
The total amount of household debt in the US last year was more than 100% of disposable income. Rising education costs have created a vicious cycle...