If you work for a publicly traded company, there are simple yet effective steps you and your investor relations director can take now to dramatically increase your companys exposure and attractiveness to investors thus bolstering share value and shareholder support. These are simple, yet proven strategies for gaining and maintaining a loyal and ever-increasing investor following. Read em and reap.
[1] Stay One Step Ahead of your Investors Provide accurate and timely information about your Company
How do most investors tell a good stock from a bad one? They dontit tells them. It tells them by its trading activity, volume, chart history, etc. But most importantly, it tells them at the click of a button: “View Latest Headlines”.
In fact, do that right now. Go online (where most investors conduct their due diligence and make their trading decisions) and view your companys last five press releases just as an average investor would. Based on what you see, is your companys stock a buy?
If you recently repainted the building; thats great! Brag about it at the next office party. But if your company just signed a multi-million dollar global...