In an age when even our cars are sending us e-mails about needing oil changes or spark plugs, something like the flashlight just doesnt really impress us. Much like it did for our grandparents, a flashlight just shines light and eats batteries like theres no tomorrow. You dont see any flashlights with digital LED readouts or Internet accessso whats the point? Even in this brave new world of wireless technology, the flashlight remains an indispensable tool.
At the end of it all, a flashlight simply produces illumination. Thats itno more and hopefully no less. Simple yet completely functional even in our technological age, the flashlight remains as needed as ever. Power outages remain a constant threat and Hurricane Katrina certainly taught everyone how useful a flashlight can really be. Getting the attention of helicopters, especially at night, is no easy feat for someone stranded on a roof. But give that person a flashlight and they will have no trouble getting the attention of people in a rescue helicopter.
Of course, Hurricane Katrina was a rare event and it is not every day that someone needs air lifted off of their roof. But even in the common power outages...