There are several pieces of equipment used in fly fishing. This article will discuss one of its most fundamental equipments which is the fly rod. This is where the fly line is attached.
The fly rod comes in several sizes. Its length typically ranges from as short as 6 ft to as long as 13 ft.
Aside from the length, fly fishing rods are measured by their weight. As a rule of thumb, the smaller the value of the weight, the smaller the fish it can catch.
For example, a fly rod of 0wt (zero weight) is enough to catch a small trout. For bigger types of fish such as a salmon, a fly rod of a heavier weight is used.
A fly rod’s weight is also important in determining the weight of the fly line that can be used with it. So a rod of 10wt requires a #10 line and could not use a line of a different size.
There are rods which can accommodate a variety of weights but they tend to compromise performance for flexibility.
Bamboo is the traditional material used as a fly rod. It is prized by fly fishing enthusiasts for its surprising strength in typical conditions.
It can be pricey though, which is why others choose rods made of alternative...