As you begin your new home business you will find there will be hundreds of distractions that will fight for your time and attention.
If you are new to working from home you will have to deal with such issues as family interruptions, friends, neighbors, television, radio, visitors, email and phone calls.
You must structure your time and set a schedule to work on your home business. If you were working for someone else you would not expect your friends and neighbors to stop by for a visit.
You must clearly explain to the people you know that this is your job and your can not stop to chat simply because you are home.
People may think that your job is less serious because you are working from home.
You must remind yourself of the reasons why you choose to bring your profession home. Was it to have more free time with your children, to earn more money than your previous job paid, to create more freedom for yourself and your loved ones?
Remember your home business should be treated as a real job. You are the person who makes the decisions now. You must organize your time without someone else telling you when you should work and take care of...