As it turns out major celebrities can get acne also, because Jessica Simpson, Lindsay Lohan, and P-Diddy have all endorsed Proactiv Solution and they all swear that it rescued them for the misery of their acne infection. They all even have graphic pictures of their faces and foreheads covered with acne pimples that they have shown on national television.
Proactiv Solution was developed by to leading dermatologists that themselves had acne and were frustrated with the acne remedies that were currently on the market. Benzoil peroxide is the main active ingredient in most acne remedies, but because it is a powerful chemical it has some harsh side effects that leave the skin dry, red and cracked and unable to protect itself from acne infection the way it is supposed to do.
What acne sufferers want is for their acne to be gone and their skin back the way bit was before the acne got started and Proactiv Solution is the only acne treatment on the market that actually accomplishes that. Unlike all the other acne treatments Proactiv Solution treats the skin and undoes the side effects of the benzoil peroxide as well as eliminates the acne problem.
Its a three step...